Staff Workers &
National Support Team
For a ministry and its workers to thrive, "administry" is a necessary part of the mission. Caring for those who labour in the harvest field amongst international students is an important mandate. Workers need to know that someone is there to support them whether it be through management, human resources, communications, or financial concerns.
At the ISMNZ National Office, the team works hard to meet these practical needs for our workers. But more than that our hearts are to care for and pray for all who serve (full time, part time, volunteers, alumni, interns). We echo this prayer of Paul as we serve ISMNZ:
"For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light." Colossians 1:9-12

Paul Stock
National Co-Leader, ISMNZ
After teaching at Massey University for 25 years, in early 2024, Paul chose to focus on his roles in tertiary chaplaincy and ministry among international students. He leads the chaplaincy team at the Massey University Manawatu campus, is the regional coordinator for tertiary chaplaincy in the lower North Island, an executive member of ANZTCA, and the city leader for ISMNZ in Palmerston North. His wife Dianne works closely with him as a chaplain and ISMNZ worker, and their daughter Charlotte loves her involvement in regional student camps. Paul thoroughly enjoys working alongside Jonathan as they co-lead ISMNZ, where he focuses on national operations and professional development.

Jonathan Thorpe
National Co-Leader, ISMNZ
International students in Nelson long enjoyed the blessing Jonathan and his wife Meredith brought through their leadership and coordination of the Nelson volunteer team. After a battle with Cancer, Meredith died in late 2023, leaving Jonathan to continue serving on his own. Jonathan started out studying Engineering at Canterbury University, then working 14 years as an Engineer in Hamilton, Nelson, and overseas. Living and travelling in numerous Asian countries has fostered Jonathan's passion to love and serve internationals who come to our land.
In 2005 on return from a year spent in Kyrgyzstan, Jonathan and Meredith started helping with Operation Friendship in Nelson, a ministry which provides friendship and Christian outreach to international students. In 2010 Jonathan left his Engineering work to become a full-time worker in Nelson with ISMNZ.
Jonathan took up the role of co-leader for ISMNZ in 2024.
Jonathan is passionate about helping our City teams flourish, providing member care and pastoral care, uplifting the values of ISMNZ, and effectively carrying out our vision and mission.

Cecily Fung
Operations Manager, ISMNZ
Cecily joined ISMNZ in February 2020, drawing on her involvement in ISM ministries with her husband Isaac since 2011. Her commitment is influenced by her own time as an international student in the UK. Over the years, they have served in student ministries across Hong Kong, Taiwan, the UK, and New Zealand. Prior to ISMNZ, Cecily was the Information & Records Director at Massey University.
At ISMNZ, Cecily works 0.6 FTE and uses her organisational and management skills to support the team, finding fulfilment in her service to the LORD. Guided by Isaiah 42:16, she trusts in the LORD’s guidance and enablement as she walks this new path.
Cecily is responsible for the National Office’s operations, including donations, accounting, payroll, and reporting to the IRD and Charities Commission. She also works on prayer calendars, eNewsletters, improving operational systems, coordinating financial reviews, and managing recruitment and human resources.
Isaac Fung
IT Manager, ISMNZ
Isaac joined our National Office as IT Manager in August 2021. He is keen to use his IT and e-learning skills to support ISMNZ while continuing his work as a campus worker in Palmerston North. Since February 2015, Isaac’s primary focus has been evangelism and discipleship with international students and families in NZ. His new national role allows him to enhance his service to Christ using his gifts and professional skills.
Isaac thanks God for equipping and guiding him in following His plans for his life. He reflects on Hebrews 13:20-21, which highlights how God equips us to fulfil His will and accomplish His work through Jesus Christ. This passage assures us that God not only empowers us but also works within us to achieve what is pleasing to Him.
In this role, Isaac works 0.3 FTE and develops and maintains online systems to streamline ISM’s communications, administration, and resource flow. With a PhD in computer science, he leverages his experience as a computer science lecturer and e-learning designer at Massey University. His priorities include developing ISMNZ websites, managing communication tools, and creating a digital resource space for ISM workers, volunteers, and the community.

Janeen Mills
ISMNZ North America Administrator & Alumni Mentor
In late 2003, the USA Navigators sent Janeen to serve in the National Office of ISMNZ, working as Personal Assistant to the National Director as well as being involved in project coordinating.Over the years she was been 'homestay mum' to students from Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Samoa, China, Indonesia, and Mexico as she reached the nations from her doorstep. She also served as part of the team that developed and published curriculum for our current Ministry Internship programme and acted as a supervisor and adjunct lecturer for students.
In 2016 Janeen was appointed by the Board of ISMNZ to step into the role as Acting National Director for one year. In September 2018 Janeen took sabbatical leave in Japan for 16 months. Her time included Japanese language & cultural training, as well as engaging in ministry amongst ISMNZ’s returnees in Japan.
Janeen’s time in Japan was cut short in March of 2020 due to the pandemic halt on travel. Therefore, Janeen began a Master of Arts Degree in Christian Studies at Denver Seminary in Colorado, USA in preparation for God’s next stage in her journey. Two days after completing her degree in May 2023, she began a position as International Student & Study Abroad Advisor with Texas A&M University-Commerce. She will also serve to mobilize local churches and campus student groups to help equip them in ministry to the hundreds of international students at the university.
This does not mean she is altogether gone from the ISMNZ family. “International students and graduates are still my motivation for this next stage in the journey. I will continue to be available to ISMNZ, providing administration & bookkeeping for the North America accounts and serving alumni and their families wherever they are. Not only do we seek to make life-long followers of Jesus amongst international students, but we also are life-long brothers and sisters in Christ and those relationships continue well beyond graduation.”