Our work in Wellington amongst international students has been significantly impacted by Covid‑19. The noticeable decline in new student numbers through 2021 has resulted in a challenging ministry climate for international student ministry.
As the international student ministry landscape in Wellington has changed, so has our approach to kingdom advancement. Effective ministry has always required strategic partnerships and we have had the privilege of working more closely with ministry partners during 2020 and 2021. Fortunately, our primary ministry context at Victoria University has been associated with the Anglican & Ecumenical Chaplaincy work and that has encouraged cooperative and collaborative ministry. As numbers have been smaller, we have pooled resources with others to ensure that those students and graduates we have received support and encouragement in their study and living and as they begin to follow Jesus and grow. ISMNZ, TSCF and the Chaplaincies have all worked together, and even more so during this Covid-19 challenge. This has led to joint activities, greater support of one another’s activities and the building up of our relationships with our fellow workers.

Caption: When we all joined together for a celebration in the spring at ISMNZ Volunteers Kam and Jenny’s home for Mid-Autumn Festival on 24 September 2021.
Looking ahead to 2022, Wellington ISMNZ is seeking to forge new strategic partnerships. We see this as being with churches and ministries that share a common heart for the nations of the world on our doorstep. This will include the mobilization of mission minded believers and assisting the sending of them amongst the nations of the world within our student body. It will include providing cooperative and collaborative leadership amongst networks within Wellington that seek to connect with international students. This means building our connection relationships within the education providers and welcoming agencies within Wellington City. It involves drawing churches into the developing community agency welcome and care for new international students, and thus improving the international student experience.

Caption: When Terry McGrath giving a presentation on leadership at one of IFC’s Thursday afternoon meetings, on 1 October 2021.
Caption: The Uni cancelled graduation, but we had a celebration for some of our grads at Victoria University’s Ramsey House on 23 November 2021.
Our ministry team in Wellington recognises that we are entering a new chapter in ministry. This new chapter involves us focussing our time in three important areas:
Waiting on God – in prayer for promises and focus for future vision.
Preparing ourselves for the new phase of ministry.
Calling others to join us in the new phase of ministry.
I personally am excited to see how the relational networks amongst us are now ripe for new kinds of collaboration, as we find ourselves in a season of rethinking and retooling. In the past, ISMNZ has been a catalyst for new approaches to further God’s kingdom in and through international students. Now our role is to both catalyse and lead as international students begin returning to our campuses over 2022 and 2023.
Caption: (right) When students shared fellowship over a meal at the end of semester IFC gathering on 20 November 2021. (left) Our last gathering over a Christmas celebration at YY’s home on 18 December 2021. The 15 of us managed to finish the roast and dessert.
IFC is a programme that ISMNZ and TSCF have collaborated on to provide a link between domestic and international students It has proved fruitful in making connections for other ministry programmes such as Bible studies and Newswatch. You can view the video made by two international students one of whom has now become a Christian:
Looking ahead to 2022, Wellington ISM is seeking to forge new strategic partnerships. We see this as being with churches and ministries that share a common heart for the nations of the world on our doorstep. This will include the mobilization of mission minded believers and assisting the sending of them amongst the nations of the world within our student body. It will include providing cooperative and collaborative leadership amongst networks within Wellington that seek to connect with international students. This means building our connection relationships within the education providers and welcoming agencies within Wellington City. It involves drawing churches into the developing community agency welcome and care for new international students, and thus improving the international student experience.

Caption: ISMNZ Wellington staff, volunteer and student presented at Whitby Anchor Church about reaching internationals at our doorstep, on 28 November 2021. Terry shared about the Principles of Developing Ministry to Diaspora.
As we move forward into 2022 please pray for us and especially for:
Additional people to join us both as staff and volunteers.
God’s help in building connections within the Education providers and support churches.
Capacity building amongst us as a team and with those who join us for future ministry.
We are VERY excited for 2022! Despite the challenges. There’s a consciousness that as we wait on God the way forward in detail will become clear.
Terry McGrath
Acting ISMNZ staff leader for Wellington
Consultant and Massey Postgraduate Ministry, ISMNZ
YY Chua
Alumnus and Associate Staff Worker Wellington, ISMNZ