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Think Home



There are many reasons to look forward to going home, but there are also a number of psychological, social, and cultural aspects that can prove difficult – often because they are unanticipated. Interviewing students like you who have been through the experience and survived nicely generated the following list. However, they all suggest that you should take the process seriously by being realistic and thinking about it and your possible reactions.  

Many have been there before, and the following list will help you begin the process of "thinking home". There are some great tips here, but it's only the "tip of the iceberg". For more help in getting prepared for transitioning after you finish study in New Zealand, contact ISMNZ and one of our local workers can help you get started.

(note: if you go home for holiday visits throughout your time studying in New Zealand, you can learn from these challenges and follow some of the advice during the shorter visits as well. It's great for getting ready to return longer term.)

Of course, every nation and varying cultures face unique challenges. But there are a few challenges that most returnees share. Click on the links below to learn more about the challenges you'll face, and some tips to help you in the transition.

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